Four Poems

Four Poems

Sara Mae


Exquisite Corpse as Burlesque Routine

This voice is a lantern with two wet fingers around a wick throat / & this voice is in first grade chanting tree ring prayers / & this voice is the violin propping up an ex’s chin / & this voice is taut & sings on command / & this voice reveals sternum one clasp at a time / & this voice won’t tell you about masturbating with an empty beer bottle not yet / The way the throat felt yes / This throat was born to lip sync / Already knows the birds to this song / The thing about being naked is where do you start / Top 40 whirlpool nipples etc but then what / If I got sick of my skin / If I peeled it off would you feed on the muscle / Would we we use it for kindling so resourceful / A bird’s nest is made of twigs & spit, but a fire is made of twigs & breath / I spit on the audience’s cheek & try to make a home of them or I tell them my secrets & knick a match on the eddies of the sound / I blow into the flames and the marigolds blink brighter / There is a garden bed I tuck into after I entertain / There are folds in my apron that stink of wildflower / I don’t want the routine to end in violence I inflict on myself / But a corpse must mind their own batter / I stir & think about my aliveness / I am sentimental that way / I have dreams of showing up in my underwear / & the crowd gets defiled


Exquisite Corpse is Led in a Body Scan to New Age Music 

I mistyped “body” as “rosy” / Yellow roses guard my open casket like a suburban fenceline / What is gratuitous violence / How is one satisfiable in violence / There is “fold” as in to crease a paper as in to allow for the chance paper cut / There is “fold” as in to give up to kneel at the river & drink what turns fish on their bellies / Even the tomatoes are alive with runic stretch marks from rain / I crack open in water as in I drool a lot in my eternal sleep / My snores open my lip lines like sidewalk to crabapple / I never understood lip liner but I think it corrals a loud mouth / I am not trapped in my dissonant body of cured yolk eyes and pickled veins / We’re in a haybale maze & which artery leads us out / The audience sucks on a caramel apple & looks up at the sky from inside / The audience is inside me, doesn’t mind the smell of wet earth / My belly rumbles with their hunger / God’s going bowling up there says the sky / My eyelashes precipitating / My gravity raining


Caudate (tail) Sonnet for Aquamarine / Siren Song

Earlobes adorned nonsensically cutlery
That took too long to acquire mood ring limbs
& teen magazines / wrinkled by screwdriver
Juice, Grey Goose, my half name 
In dressing rooms / 

Bucking posture
Floral imposter nascent gods sipping limbo
ambrosia christening / oh petaled wraith my hummingbird
faith my good form butterfly stroke bimbo babe

From here you can see the stars’ eyelashes
From here you can see where you used to live
Gummy worm ridge condom ribbed furniture t-shirt dresses

May I be soil for soft whims
May I be less imaginative in what to forgive 
Boundaried as amens 

Nectar so saturated its synthetic
The way a name sounds obstructing my moan