
Submit to fecund

Fecund welcomes submissions of writing and visual art across media. We recommend reading past issues of Fecund for insight into what we’re excited to publish. Although we don’t conform to one aesthetic, we tend to respond to work that challenges traditional forms or embraces liminality. That said, we purposefully keep criteria broad to allow contributors to submit their best work.

To submit, please send an email to with the subject line “Submission — [NAME]”.

Submission guidelines:
- Fiction, essays, criticism, screenplay excerpts, fashion writing: up to 5,000 words of previously unpublished work
- Poetry: up to 10 poems of previously unpublished work
- Visual art, video: up to 10 images/videos
- Fashion photography, photo essays: up to 30 images

Please note that our editorial staff is unable to respond to all submissions or give feedback on pieces we are not publishing.